The Right Way of Handling Open Wounds to Avoid Infection

Scratching or slicing a knife is a common accident when you're not focusing on what you're doing. If the wound is only light and not deep, of course it will not require difficult wound care.
However, what if the accident involved a fairly deep open wound? Don't panic, when you have a deep open wound, try applying the wound care below!

First aid treatment for open wounds

At least you must have experienced an open wound once in your life, whether it's a cut, cut, stabbed, or to the extreme of skin and flesh torn.The treatment for open wounds below is only for open wounds of a certain depth that can still be treated at home with minimal equipment. When you have an open wound, do the following wound care:

1. Wash your hands first

The most basic open wound care step is to always wash your hands with clean water and soap first so that bacteria, viruses, or other organisms on your hands don't enter and infect the wound.

2. Stop the bleeding

The next open wound treatment is to stop the bleeding before starting to clean the wound. If the open wound is small and not deep, the bleeding will stop on its own.However, for deeper open wounds, you will need to apply a little pressure to the wound using a tissue or bandage. If the bandage or tissue is already full of blood, add a new one on top, do not remove the previous bandage or tissue.Removing the tissue or bandage that was first applied to the wound can also pull the wound that has started to freeze and even trigger bleeding again.

3. Clean the wound

The next stage of open wound care is to clean the wound under running water slowly and apply soap around the wound.Avoid putting soap inside the wound and using soaps made from iodine or hydrogen peroxide.If there are objects stuck to the wound, such as debris or dirt, use tweezers cleaned with alcohol to remove them. See a doctor if you can't get it out.

4. Apply antibiotic cream

You can apply a thin layer of antibiotic cream to the wound to reduce the risk of the wound becoming infected. If rashes appear on the skin after applying the cream, stop using it.

5. Cover the wound

Another important open wound care is covering the wound with a bandage to prevent the wound from re-opening or becoming infected. If the wound is light and not deep, you should not cover the wound with a bandage.

6. Tetanus injection

If the wound is deep and caused by a dirty or contaminated object, such as a rusty knife or wood chip, it's best to have a tetanus shot if you haven't had it in five years.

7. Keep an eye on the possibility of infection

Even if you have successfully implemented the open wound care steps , you still need to pay attention to whether there is a possibility of infection occurring in the wound for several days.Some signs of infection in the wound are pain that is getting worse, swelling, redness, a warm sensation in the wound, and the presence of dirt or fluid coming out of the wound.

8. Change the wound dressing

Treatment of open wounds is not finished by simply closing the wound. You also need to be diligent about changing the bandage at least once a day or when the bandage is wet or dirty.Perform the above steps in the treatment of open wounds sequentially and carefully so that the open wound does not become infected. You still need to clean and dry the wound for at least the next five days.If the wound is painful, you can take acetaminophen pain medication according to the directions on the package. Avoid taking aspirin because aspirin can cause bleeding. Your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics if your wound is large, deep or at risk of infection.You can put ice cubes wrapped in a cloth on the wound if there is bruising or swelling. When the wound begins to heal, do not peel the scab to prevent the wound from re-opening.

Notes from SehatQ

Treatment of open wounds needs to be done carefully and carefully to avoid complications due to infection. However, not all wounds can be treated at home.Immediately consult a doctor if the bleeding does not stop despite pressure, lasts more than 20 minutes, or is caused by a serious accident. You also still need to see a doctor if the open wound is deeper than one centimeter.


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