Nursing Management, Definition and Explanation

Nursing management will involve decision making. One of the problem situations that occur in the management of nursing activities that require decision making at various managerial levels.

Management comes from the word  to manage  which means to manage, organize, and take care of completing work through other people.

This definition means that a leader or manager is in charge of organizing and directing workers to achieve common goals (organization).

Every field of business or company has management in each of these organizations, one of which is nursing.

What is Nursing Management

Nursing management is a form of coordination and integration of nursing resources by implementing a management process to achieve the goals and objectives  of nursing care  and nursing services.

In addition, nursing management can also be defined as a process of planning, organizing, leadership as well as supervision in achieving a goal.

Not only that, the nurse manager also understands and facilitates the work of implementing nurses and managing nursing activities.

Nursing Management Principles

A nurse manager carries out management in her nursing to provide care to patients. There are several principles in management in nursing, as follows:

  • As a plan
  • As an effective use of time
  • As decision making
  • Meeting the nursing care needs of patients is the nurse manager's business
  • As a formulation and achievement of social goals
  • As an organizer
  • As a function, position or social level, discipline and field of study
  • As an active part of the nursing division, institutions and institutions in which the organization functions
  • Organizational culture reflects the values ​​of belief
  • To direct and lead
  • To motivate
  • As effective communication
  • As control or evaluation

Nursing Management Function

Management requires the role of the people involved in it to address their respective positions so that clear functions regarding management are needed. The following are some of the management functions in nursing:


Planning is a fundamental function of nursing management. Planning is the condition and integration of resources in nursing by implementing a management stage to achieve nursing care and nursing service goals.

This means that in nursing planning it helps to ensure that patients will receive the nursing services they want.


Organizing is done after the planning step. Organizing is the next step in assigning duties and authorities and delegation of authority by the leadership to staff in order to achieve goals.

Nurses should have more supervision to avoid mistakes. The head of the room should coordinate more of his staff or nurses.


Manpower means staff management and scheduling which is the main component in managing nursing.

Managers must plan adequate staffing to meet the patient's dietary needs. Efforts should be made to avoid shortages and excesses of personnel when there are fluctuations in the number and quantity of patients.


Directing is the work step of a manager, where the manager tries to motivate, foster communication, deal with conflict, cooperate and negotiate.

Well, in an effective direction will increase the support of nurses to achieve the goals of nursing management and nursing care goals.


The control phase is an ongoing function of management that occurs during planning, organizing, staffing, directing.

During the control phase, performance is measured against predetermined standards and actions are taken to correct discrepancies between standards and performance.

Nursing Management Process

The management process in nursing is usually adapted to an open systems approach where each component is interconnected and interacts with and is also influenced by the environment.

Because it is a system and consists of five elements, namely input, process, output, control and feedback mechanism. Inputs from a nursing management process include information, personnel, equipment and facilities.

The management process in nursing is a group or group of managers from the highest level of nursing management to the implementing nurse who has the duty and authority to plan, organize, direct and also supervise the implementation of nursing services. While the output is nursing care, research and staff development.

Nursing Management Scope

Effective nursing managers should be able to understand and facilitate the duties of implementing nurses.

According to Suyanto (2008) nursing managers manage activities related to nursing include the following:

  • Define the use of the nursing process.
  • Knowing a nurse intervention carried out on the basis of diagnosis.
  • Accept accountability for a parenting activity carried out by a nurse.
  • Receive accountability for the results of nursing activities.
  • Can control the environment of parenting practice.

According to Suyanto, 2008 nursing consists of:

1. Managing Nursing Services

Nursing services in hospitals are managed by the field of care which consists of three managerial levels, which are as follows:

  • Top management (head of nursing).
  • Middle management (head of service unit or supervisor).
  • Lower management (head of treatment room).

2. Managing Nursing Care

Managing nursing care that can be done using the nursing process in principle uses a management concept such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling or evaluating.

So, in nursing management professional values ​​are needed in implementing professional nursing practice, understanding and facilitating the work of implementing nurses and managing nursing activities.


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