The Importance of the Caring Concept in Nursing Care

Various health services have been formed and built for the survival of human life. In addition to good facilities and infrastructure, the professionalism of health workers is also the key to the success of a health service. Nurses are currently one of the most important professions in human life. Nurses are seen as one of the professions that save human life because of their holistic role in fulfilling human life.

In health environments such as clinics and hospitals, nurses will always deal with clients or other health workers, therefore, nurses are required to continue to improve their professional roles, one of which is by increasing caring behavior .  Caring is now a major thing in providing nursing care services for clients. Caring behavior can determine the moral value of nurses. In addition, caring behavior in nursing care can determine the level of client satisfaction in getting health services.

Caring is different from caring . Care is a phenomenon related to people, related to guidance, assistance, support, behavior to individuals, families, groups with events to meet actual and potential needs to improve the conditions and quality of human life. While caring is a real act of care that shows a sense of caring.

Linguistically, caring is defined as an act of caring. Caring in general can be interpreted as an ability to be dedicated to others, vigilant supervision, and a feeling of empathy for others and feelings of love or affection. An attitude of respect and respect for others.

It can be said that caring is an attitude or behavior wholeheartedly given by nurses to clients with a sense of care, concern and attention to the patient's emotions to create a therapeutic relationship. This causes the patient to feel comfortable, safe and relieved because of the reduced sense of stress that is felt due to suffering from a disease (Gultom, 2014). The caring behavior given by the nurse will make the client feel satisfied, not only will he recover from his health problem but also the client will feel comfortable and happy when given nursing care (Amali., 2019)


There are various kinds of benefits that will be felt by someone both nurses and prospective nurses if they apply a caring attitude in nursing care. What are the benefits?

First, the client will show a positive response. If a nurse treats a client with a caring attitude , then the client will give a positive response to the nurse, and vice versa (Rahmayani, 2020). This is very felt in providing nursing services to clients. As a small example, when we show a caring attitude in applying nursing care to clients, the client will respond well to every nursing action that will be carried out. This makes the client give a sense of confidence in the services provided. Another example, many people state that nurses in health services are not friendly and mean to clients. Nurses who do not apply caring attitudeand the response given by the client became negative. The response will clearly be different if the nurse applies a caring attitude in the nursing care provided, the client will definitely feel happy and will say that the nurse at health facility A is friendly and pleasant.

Second, fluently communicate with clients. Caring attitude in nursing care can build mutual trust with clients because communication can run smoothly so that providing nursing care becomes easy (Rahmayani, 2020).

Third,  clients value us. With the application of a caring attitude in nursing care, clients will appreciate nurses who treat them wholeheartedly because nurses are there when they need them and clients feel more cared for (Rahmayani, 2020).

Fourth, can learn many things about humans. By applying a caring attitude continuously to others well, he can put himself in a position that other people feel (Rahmayani, 2020).

Fifth, self-development. Applying a caring attitude continuously in daily life or in nursing care services can improve self-quality for the better. In addition, if something is done continuously, it will bring up a sense of responsibility for the activities it does.

 Then if caring attitude is very important, what are the factors involved in it?

Watson coined the theory of caring having the factors that shape caring attitudes in the world of nursing which became known as the "10 Carative Caring Factors".

Here are 10 Caring Karatif Factors:

1.    Build an altruistic value system . In this factor, nurses can provide affection and have an open attitude to clients (Yuda, 2018)

2.    Build a sense of trust and hope. This is done by the nurse by establishing a therapeutic relationship with the client with the aim of offering assistance.

3.    Develop a sense of sensitivity to both self and others. This factor can be done by learning to accept the situation of oneself and others.

4.    Establish an attitude of help and trust. This can be done by the nurse through effective communication with the client to establish and sustain trust-help.

5.    Offer and express negative and positive feelings. Nurses can help and accept the client's feelings by showing that we are ready to share feelings.

6.    In solving problems, it is necessary to use an innovative caring process.

7.    Offering learning and teaching activities. In this factor, nurses learn together when teaching clients to perform self-care. In addition, the client also has a responsibility to study together with the nurse.

8.    Facilitate support, protection, and improvement physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually by building a comfortable, peaceful atmosphere, and a sense of togetherness, beauty and trust at all physical and non-physical levels.

9.    Obtain human assistance by helping clients to meet basic needs with reference to caring attitude .

10. Allows for the power of phenomena of a spiritual nature. In this case. nurses provide spiritual understanding to provide a better picture of the condition that is being felt. Usually, this is done by nurses in dealing with clients with near-death conditions (Potter & Perry, 2009).

Some characteristics in the concept of caring according to Wolf & Banner (1998),

1.    Listen attentively.

2.    Gives a sense of comfort.

3.    Speak honestly.

4.    Have patience.

5.    Be responsible.

6.    Provide information clearly in accordance with the needs of the patient.

7.    Giving touch.

8.    Using sensitivity.

9.    Show respect for clients.

10. Call the client by name.

There are many benefits that can be obtained if the concept of caring is applied in nursing care services, including:

v  Able to improve the quality of health services

v  The application of caring that is integrated with biophysical knowledge and knowledge of human behavior will be able to improve individual health and facilitate the delivery of services to patients.

v  Can promote individual health and growth (Watson, 1979 in Tomey & Alligod, 2006).

v  There is a significant relationship between perceptions of nurse caring behavior and patient satisfaction with nursing services (William, 1997).

v  Increase patient satisfaction with nursing services.

v  Increase financial benefits for the hospital



From the various explanations above, it can be said that the application of the concept of caring in nursing care is very important. Caring is the core of nursing services. Caring attitude must be practiced in everyday life so that caring behavior grows naturally in the nurse's soul. Nurses are required to be ' care ' and also have to be caring for their surroundings. Patients as clients in nursing care services, sometimes only need attention and empathy from someone who cares for them to be more enthusiastic in undergoing each process of treating their illness. Therefore, a nurse should really understand the concept of caringand able to apply it in nursing care. By forming, building, implementing and understanding the caring attitude of nurses and prospective nurses, it will be easier for them to carry out their duties later.


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