Special group

A group of people or individuals who because of their physical, mental, socio-cultural and economic conditions need to get help, guidance and health services and nursing care, because of their inability and ignorance in maintaining health and nursing themselves.

Special group treatment

Efforts in the field of public health nursing are aimed at groups of individuals who have the same gender, age, health and health problems and are prone to these problems which are carried out in an organized manner with the aim of increasing the ability of groups and their health status, prioritizing promotive and preventive efforts without forgetting curative and rehabilitative efforts aimed at those living in orphanages and to groups in the community, provided by nursing staff with a problem-solving approach through the nursing process.
General purpose

Improve the ability and health status of the group to be able to help themselves (self care) and not be too dependent on other parties.

Special purpose

So that special groups can improve their abilities in terms of:

1. Identify special group health and nursing problems according to the type, type and type of group.

2. Develop a plan for nursing/health care that they face based on the problems found in the group.

3. Overcoming the health and nursing problems they face based on the plans they have compiled together.

4. Improve the ability of special groups to maintain their own health.

5. Reducing the dependence of special groups on other parties for self-care and care.

6. Increase the productivity of special groups to do more in order to improve their own abilities.

7. Expanding the reach of health and nursing services in supporting the function of the puskesmas in the context of developing community health services.


There are two main targets of development, namely through institutions that provide health services for special groups and services for special groups in the community that have been well organized or through posyandu aimed at pregnant women, infants and toddlers or to special groups with distinctive characteristics. For example, the elderly group, the group of people with leprosy and so on.

Special group services in institutions

Services to social and community institutions that carry out the maintenance and development of certain special groups, including:
*Panti Wreda


* Rehabilitation center for disabled children (physical, mental, social)

*Toddler care

The targets for the development and service of special groups in institutions include:


This is a top priority because they are vulnerable to health problems and generally they are the ones who have problems both individually and in groups. In overcoming problems, collaboration with other health professions and related officers is needed.

nursing home clerk

Is a person who is directly related to the services of the residents of the orphanage in overcoming the problems they face and they are the ones who know best.
Home environment

Is one of the links in the chain of disease spread

Special group services in the community

It is carried out through organized groups involving the active participation of the community, through the formation of health cadres among these groups who have received education and training by the puskesmas, in addition to the development of special community groups that can be carried out through posyandu for groups of pregnant women, infants and children under five. as well as other groups that may be possible.

Special groups can be classified based on the problems and needs they face, including:
Special groups with special needs that require supervision due to their growth and development, for example:

Kelp. Pregnant mother

Kelp. Mother gives birth.

Kelp. postpartum mother.

Kelp. Babies and toddlers.

Kelp. School age children.

Kelp. Elderly.

Special groups with special health that require supervision and guidance,
Kelp. people with infectious diseases (leprosy, tuberculosis, AIDS, venereal disease)
Kelp. Patients with non-communicable diseases (DM, heart, stroke)

Kelp. Disability requiring rehabilitation (physical, mental, social)
Kelp. Especially those who are at risk of disease (WTS, drug &
 narcotic abuse, certain workers).
Scope of activity.

Special group care activities include promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and resocialitative efforts through organized activities as follows:
* Health and nursing services.
* Health education.
* Guidance and problem solving for group members, health cadres and nursing home staff.
* Early case finding.
* Make medical and health referrals
*Coordinate and cooperate with the community, cadres and staff of orphanages or special group rehabilitation centers.
* Transfer of technology in the field of health and nursing to nursing staff, health cadres.

Basic principles

The basic principles in special group care are:
*Improve the ability and independence of special groups in improving their own health.
* Emphasizing on preventive and promotive efforts by not forgetting curative and rehabilitative efforts.
*A holistic approach uses the nursing process consistently and continuously.
*Involve the active participation of nursing staff, health cadres and groups as subjects and objects of service.
* Conducted in service institutions that provide health services for special groups in the community for special groups who have the same problem.
*Emphasised on fostering the behavior of the residents of the orphanage, the staff of the orphanage, the environment of the orphanage for those who are institutionalized and people who have the same problem towards healthy behavior.

Stages of special group treatment
🔶Preparation phase
* Identify the number of special groups in the community and the number of orphanages or rehabilitation centers in a target area.
* Conducting an approach as an initial assessment of the development of special groups towards institutions that provide health services to special groups and special groups in the community.
*Identification of problems for special groups in the community and in nursing homes/institutions through data collection.
Analyzing data for special groups in the community and institutions
* Formulating problems and priorities for health and nursing problems for special groups in communities and institutions.
*Starting from the stage of identifying problems, analyzing data, formulating problems and prioritizing health/nursing problems, special groups involve health cadres and nursing home staff

🔸Planning stage
Develop a plan for handling health/nursing problems with nursing home staff (for those in institutions) and health cadres (for those in the community). Involved:
Schedule of activities (objectives, targets, types of services, costs, outcome criteria).
Schedule of visits
🔸Personnel implementing activities organizing

Ø Mon.

⚫Level of implementation

Implementation is based on a mutually agreed work plan, which is adapted to existing needs. Implementation of activities can be in the form of:
Education and training of cadres and nursing home staff
▪️Health and nursing services
▪️Health education.

Early detection
▪️Referrals if deemed necessary.
▪️Recording and reporting of activities

Assessment level.

The assessment of the success of the activity is based on the criteria that have been prepared. Assessment can be carried out during the activity and after the activity is carried out as a whole.


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