Electrocardiogram (ECG), Cardiac Examination

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a simple heart examination procedure to assess the electrical activity of the heart. ECG heart examination aims to detect abnormalities such as arrhythmias or heart rhythm disorders, coronary heart disease, heart valve abnormalities, heart inflammation (myocarditis or pericarditis), to heart enlargement. Although the ECG test checks the electrical impulses of the heart, no electric current is passed through the patient's body during the examination procedure.

Who Needs an EKG?

An ECG heart check is important for patients who have symptoms of heart disease such as chest pain, difficulty breathing, and an irregular heartbeat. Patients with a history of heart disease may also need an ECG test. Cardiology and Blood Vessel Specialists may recommend an ecg check for patients who have risk factors for heart disease such as high blood cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking or other risk factors for heart disease . Before and after undergoing surgery or heart surgery, patients will also be directed to undergo an ECG test. For some patients with heart conditions that require special attention, Cardiologistand Blood Vessels will suggest regular ecg checks to monitor the progress of his heart condition.

Why is an ECG Test Necessary?

Patients need to undergo an electrocardiogram examination, among others, to:

  • Evaluate and look for causes of health problems associated with heart disease such as chest pain, fatigue, difficulty breathing, and dizziness.
  • Knowing the heart rhythm so that it can detect when there is an irregular heart rhythm.
  • See the overall condition of the heart before and/or after heart surgery.
  • Knowing the effectiveness of pacemakers and drugs that have been consumed previously.
  • Identify structural problems in the heart.
  • As an initial evaluation of someone who has risk factors for heart disease. 
  • From the results of the ECG examination, the Cardiologist and Blood Vessel Specialist can determine the next action according to the patient's heart condition. An ECG may be followed by other tests based on an evaluation from a Cardiologist and Blood Vessel Specialist.

ECG Cardiac Examination Process

The EKG is short and painless. The patient should remove jewelry and other accessories that could affect the test results. During the ECG check, the patient lies on a bed or examining table. It is important for the patient to lie still and not move or speak for the accuracy of the ECG results.

Then, the patient will have electrodes placed on the patient's chest, legs, and arms. Electrodes are devices in the form of metal plates with wires connected to the EKG machine. The patient will be directed to breathe normally. Meanwhile, the EKG machine records the electrical activity of the heart. After recording is complete, all electrode equipment will be removed. This whole process takes about 5-10 minutes.

The cardiologist will see and analyze the results of the ecg check then explain it to the patient. ECG examinations can be performed on inpatients and outpatients. Outpatients can go home immediately after the examination and continue their activities according to the doctor's recommendations. However, if there are indications that point to heart disease, the patient may be asked to undergo further examination. A thorough examination is important to really confirm the condition of the patient's heart.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) at Primaya Hospital

Primaya Hospital has a Heart and Blood Vessel Service Center that serves ECG cardiac examinations. Primaya Hospital's team of Cardiologist and Blood Vessel Specialists is experienced and competent to perform cardiac examinations using the latest technology. Contact the Primaya Hospital Heart and Blood Vessel Service Center to schedule an ECG cardiac examination or related examinations such as cardiac treadmill tests , cardiac electrophysiology , heart ring installation , cardiac CABG surgery , and various other heart disease services



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