
Know a Balanced Nutrition Diet

The key to a balanced nutritional diet is eating the right amount of calories for how active your daily activities are so that the energy consumed is balanced with the energy you use. Total Daily Calorie Need If you eat or drink more than your body needs, excess intake will cause weight gain because unused energy is stored as fat. On the other hand, if you eat and drink too little, you will lose weight. Eating a variety of foods is also important to ensure a balanced diet and the body receives all the nutrients it needs. It is recommended that men consume about 2,500 calories a day (10,500 kilojoules) while women consume around 2,000 calories a day (8,400 kilojoules). Balanced Nutrition Diet Steps There are six steps that need to be observed in achieving a balanced nutritional diet, among others: High-fiber carbohydrates Reduce saturated fat and sugar Consume lots of vegetables and fruit Consumption of fish high in omega-3 Increase water consumption Limit salt intake, a...


Basic Concepts of Health Promotion Definition of health promotion                          Health promotion is an effort to empower individuals, groups and communities to maintain, improve and protect their health through increasing knowledge, willingness, and ability as well as developing a supportive climate, carried out from, by and for the community in accordance with local cultural factors. (Depkes RI, 2006 quoted by Ferry Efendi and Makhfudi, 2009) Health Promotion Limits According to Soekidjo Notoatmodjo, (2007) Education in general is all efforts that are planned to influence other people, whether individuals, groups or communities, so that they do what is expected by educators. From this limitation, it is implied that the elements of education are: Inputs  are educational targets (individuals, groups, communities) and educators ...

The Importance of the Caring Concept in Nursing Care

Various health services have been formed and built for the survival of human life. In addition to good facilities and infrastructure, the professionalism of health workers is also the key to the success of a health service. Nurses are currently one of the most important professions in human life. Nurses are seen as one of the professions that save human life because of their holistic role in fulfilling human life. In health environments such as clinics and hospitals, nurses will always deal with clients or other health workers, therefore, nurses are required to continue to improve their professional roles, one of which is by increasing  caring  behavior .   Caring  is now a major thing in providing nursing care services for clients.  Caring  behavior can determine the moral value of nurses. In addition,  caring  behavior in nursing care can determine the level of client satisfaction in getting health servi...


A. Understanding Communication in nursing is called therapeutic communication, in this case the communication made by a nurse at the time of nursing intervention must be able to provide therapeutic efficacy for the patient's healing process. Therefore, a nurse must increase the knowledge and application of therapeutic communication skills so that patient needs and satisfaction can be met. Northouse (1998) defines therapeutic communication as the ability or skill of nurses to help clients adapt to stress, overcome psychological disorders and learn how to relate to others. Stuart GW (1998) states that therapeutic communication is an interpersonal relationship between nurses and clients, In this relationship the nurse and client gain a shared learning experience in order to improve the client's emotional experience. While S. Sundeen (1990) states that the therapeutic relationship is a cooperative relationship characterized by the exchange of behavior, f...

Nursing Documentation Goals and Principles

List of contents Purpose of Nursing Documentation Nursing Documentation Principles Nursing Principles (Brivety, Legibility, and Accuracy) 1. Brivety (Ringkas) 2. Legibility (readability) 3. Accuracy (Akurat) Professional Home Care Nurse Order Available 24 Hours/7 Days Documentation simply means written, printed, or recorded which is then used as a record or evidence to be used as it should be. In the world of health, especially nursing, documentation is divided into three, namely:  Brevity, Legibility,  and  Accuracy. According to Hidayat in one of his books, it is explained that  nursing documentation  is evidence of recording and reporting to record care that is useful for the needs of clients, health teams, or nurses themselves to be used in health services on the basis of written communication accurately and responsibly. Meanwhile, according to the book written by Kozier and Erb entitled "Teaching Books on Nursing Fundamentals" explained abo...

Personal Hygiene: Definition, Effort, Type, and Purpose

Cleanliness is closely related to health. If a person is able to maintain cleanliness – at least one's own personal hygiene then he can improve health well-being. On the other hand, if a person is reluctant or unable to maintain cleanliness, it is likely that they will have poor health. When health has been lost, then inevitably have to pay the price of a health which of course is not cheap. The easiest thing to stay healthy both physically and psychologically is to apply personal health or  personal hygiene  . Understanding Personal Hygiene Personal hygiene  comes from the Greek language which can be interpreted as personal or individual and hygiene or health. From this understanding, it can be concluded that personal hygiene is a person's efforts to maintain and improve personal hygiene and health in order to achieve physical and mental well-being. Personal hygiene  must be strived for by everyone in order to achieve physical and psychological well...

Ethical Principles in Nursing

  ethical principles that must be possessed by a nurse include: a. Autonomy (Autonomy) The principle of autonomy is based on the belief that individuals are able to think logically and are able to make their own decisions. Adults are considered competent and have the power to make their own, choose and have various decisions or choices that must be respected by others. The principle of autonomy is a form of respect for someone, or seen as a non-coercive agreement and act rationally. Autonomy is the right of individual independence and freedom that demands self-discrimination. Professional practice reflects autonomy when the nurse respects the client's rights to make decisions about his or her care. b. Doing good (Beneficience) Beneficience means, just doing something good. Goodness requires the prevention of wrong or evil, the elimination of wrong or evil and the promotion of goodness by self and others. Sometimes, in health care ...